Cara Membuat Stand Smartphone dari Tutup Botol
Stand smartphone now a lot sold at various prices and forms, but one YouTube user account Sarguns Eriks shows how to create a stand smartphone using cheap materials, namely a bottle cap. Quoted on the website Instructables this is the way.

     Find mineral water plastic bottle caps with a diameter of about 3-4 cm
     Cut some parts of the bottle cap as in the picture below using a cutter or a sharp knife. Be careful in using
     The result has been you can use, you can also see the video tutorial

For those who want to see the video through a smartphone can install YouTube first.
Cara Kirim File dengan Smartphone tanpa Menggunakan Internet dan Bluetooth
For you were active as users of smartphones (Android, iOS, Windows Phone), send data often become a bottleneck, especially the condition of the internet network in Indonesia Insufficient or before send the data to be paired Bluetooth friend first. Even if there is the Internet, send large documents also takes a lot of quota. Bother!

In addition to using Bluetooth, barriers smartphone users to send data such as music, videos, or photos to friends usually found on the Internet. Incidentally around us was no Wi-Fi network, will use mobile data to send photos too dear quota. So, is there another alternative to send the data?

To overcome this problem, the key found on Zapya. Just imagine, in the scale of 100 meters, without internet or WLAN network, with transfer speeds of 128 times that of Bluetooth, send all types of data to any size would no longer be a problem. And again, Zapya also available for PC. You can back up data and sends the data without having to use a USB cable. Practical is not it? In addition, there Zapya Indonesian, loh! So for user Indonesian, Zapya very practical for you the smartphone'ers who have poor internet quality. The application is free and you can download in Google Play

As an initial tutorial for Android, How to use is easy. First, open the application Zapya.Setelah it, you can directly start for the Group. The layout of the keys were in the bottom right. After you click, then look out below. You can start with for the Group, and find your friends through Search & Join.Setelah Hotspot look you've been out, your friend (max. 5) can immediately join the group. You can start sharing data, deh! Very easy and practical is not it? It's the contents of a file can you for all your friends. Starting from, Music, Photos, Video, all available in the folder you are playing Zapya.Untuk social media and like to send the data, what are you waiting? There is no need to wait for a new internet can tell, no internet can also send data. Immediate download Zapya and invite your friends to always be able to share at any time, anywhere and anytime.
3 Cara Mudah Menjaga Performa SSD Tetap Ngebut
Now it seems a lot of manufacturers of laptops and computers are more focused use of SSD as a storage place than any HDD. Some advantages of using SSD which makes it very attractive laptop manufacturers namely its small size, fast and no moving parts to minimize the possibility of data or faulty component. You can also find out which one is more durable between HDD, SSD or flash. But first let's discuss briefly about the life of the SSD.
Endurance SSD

Unlike the HDD, SSD installed all components are strong and there are no moving parts in the SSD read and write so that the process is done electronically. SSD itself provide longer endurance than the HDD for an SSD can keep out of 3 of the following:

Also Read:

    Hard drives, SSD and flash. Which is the Most Durable Storing Data You?
    Select Mana, flash or Cloud Storage?
    How to Safely Remove USB in Windows Using Keyboard Keys

3 Ways to Maintain SSD Performance and Durability
1. Avoid Excessive Heat

way-keep-performance-ssd-1Semua electronic items must have a weakness when faced with extreme hot temperatures or exposed to hot temperatures in the long term. The more often exposed to heat long enough then the durability of SSDs will decrease included the data in it can be affected. We recommend that you do not leave a laptop with SSD overnight or all day with lighted position without being used.
2. Avoid Termination Power

One thing that is often a problem of data loss, damage to components, or even malfunction of the SSD that is, when the disconnection of electrical power when the write process. In addition to the potential loss of data, the SSD also potentially unusable. The solution is for laptop users still use the battery as a precaution when a sudden power failure or power down.
Avoid SSD Too Full Data

way-keep-performance-ssd-2Memang now many SSD with a capacity large enough, but that does not mean you can go around just put a lot of files, data and other content. It could potentially cause problems in the process of the write and read in the SSD. The solution as much as possible always keep half the SSD remains empty and has empty space larger.

For you laptop users with SSD as a storage place should note at this time whether you are too full or SSD is often sudden death to maintain the performance and lifespan of SSD still speeding SSD is more durable.

Source: MakeUseOf
Cara Memperkebal FlashDisk dari VIRUS dengan IMUNISASI Gratis
When I hear the word immunization, you would think about the small children who were injected or given fluids to be immune from the disease. It is true, the function of immunization is memperkebal endurance of the influence of bacteria and viruses that are not easily infected with dangerous diseases. So what about the computer virus as we have known? What could be overcome by immunization? The answer is YES! This is the way memperkebal FlashDisk of virus by immunization for free.

Also Read:

    This is the cause of FlashDisk unreadable in Computer and How to Overcome It
    Easy Ways to Make Partition In FlashDisk
    30 Seconds Quick Solution Troubleshooting FlashDisk Write Protected

Just as the process of immunization in humans, there is also a software capable memperkebal FlashDisk device you from virus attacks. Typically, the virus infects FlashDisk perch and autorun.inf file in it. Software that we will use this time named USB Immunizer of BitDefender. The way it works is to protect the autorun.inf file in your FlashDisk make it more secure and not prone to be bothered by a virus. Jaka ya love to know how to use:
FlashDisk Memperkebal way of Virus by Immunization Guide

    Download Bitdefender USB Immunizer here. Really really small and light its software.

Bitdefender USB Immunizer
Bitdefender USB Immunizer
Antivirus & Security by
Download by

    If you've finished downloading, just open the program directly. Immunizer USB does not require installation. So portable software like that.


    Once open, it looks like this. Now colokin FlashDisk you through a USB port on a computer or laptop.


    Name your USB stick will appear and be detected. Because they have not been immunized, its logo still red. You just click on the symbol of its USB plugs.


    Wait a minute during the immunization process runs.


    After completion of the process of immunization, USB logo is green. The sign, USB stick you have more immune from virus attacks.


    You can also make arrangements so that the USB Immunizer run automatically when a USB device is plugged in the computer or the laptop. The trick, click the icon serration on the top, then click on the icon on the right switch to ON.


Well, that's the way to immunize your FlashDisk. This way you are able to make FlashDisk more immune from attack viruses that normally infect Autorun. However, the virus will continue to evolve and become more sophisticated. So you must remain alert to install a reliable antivirus. And avoid bad habits such as origin FlashDisk plug in any place. Good luck tips Jaka. If you have an opinion or any other way, love to know Jake through the column comment below, yes!
Cara Mudah Memblokir Website Apa Pun di Komputer Kamu
In some articles, Jake never love you know how to open a website that is blocked by the government. For example, by using Google DNS, VPN, software, and so on. Well, this time Jake actually would love to know your way round. Namely the Easy Way Website Blocking Anything in Computer You.

Also Read:

    How To Open Blocked Government Website Through HP Computer and Android
    Block Internet Violate Human Rights
    How to Access Blocked Websites in Android

This method is useful for various purposes. One is to prevent children, such as brother or nephew you open adult sites. But you can also use for fun and work on laptop computer or your friends. Moreover, a rather clueless. They must have really confused because it can not go to Facebook or YouTube. Though both the website that's popular, necessary, and not blocked. Blocking websites on this computer also do not need to use any software. Simply by opening the Windows files. Listen carefully ya how.
How to Block websiter Anything in Computer You

    First, open the notepad application on your computer with administrator access. The trick, right click on the shortcut Notepad, and then click "Run as Administrator".

block website 2

    Click "File" on the top right. Select "Open".

block websites 3

    Then go to the folder "C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc".

block websites 4

    At the bottom, select "All Files".

blocks 5 websites

    Then find the file "hosts", and then open it with double-click or click "Open".

block website 6

    At the very bottom, type "", a space, then type the address of the website you want to block. For example you want to block YouTube. Write aja "".

block website 7

    You can also include any other website that you want blocked. The same way. Just type " (space) (website address)" at the bottom again.

block websites 8

    If you've lived in deh-save. You can use the button "File-Save", or pressing Ctrl + S.

block website 10

    Now you can restart your browser, aka close the browser, then reopen it to try.

    Go to websites that had been blocked. Definitely will appear as below:

block website 9

That's how to block certain websites on your computer. This method can be very useful to keep our brothers from pornography, to prevent others from accessing certain websites through your computer, or it could be for just a fad and menjahili your friend's computer. If you have any info or other interesting tricks, please write your opinion in the comment field below.
Cara Membuat Game Android Tidak FORCE CLOSE Saat Dimainkan
Playing games is an activity which is quite exciting to do. But, not all games can run well on any Android smartphone. There are problems such as force close, broken, long loading and much more.

Also Read:

    6 Best Android Game One Piece and Free For You Play
    Legendary Digimon LINKZ Game Now Available For iOS and Android

In the following article, JalanTikus will give way to overcome the force close issues when playing games on Android.
How to Cope When Force Close Play Games on Android

    Master Clean download and install on Android.
    Clean Master (Boost & AppLock)
    Clean Master (Boost & AppLock) 5.10.8
    Cleaning & Tweaking by Cheetah Mobile Inc.
    Download Google Play
    Download by
    Open his Master Clean, select the menu and then click on the icon Phone Boost Game in the top right corner.
    Select the game you want in-boost, if it is click the Boost button.
    The new folder will appear on the Home Screen. In order not to force close while playing games, you can start the game through the folder.

Game Booster is in this Master Clean will optimize RAM usage in Android when you're playing games. So, the rest of the RAM will be larger and make the game does not force close.
Cara Baru Dapat STICKER BBM Android GRATIS Tanpa Root
Getting sticker BBM on Android for free without root can now be done in the following way. By downloading the free BBM sticker, you no longer need to pay a few dollars to use BBM sticker Android.

Also Read:

    BBM for Android Settings Tips To Not Boros Memory and RAM
    How to Eliminate Ads on Android BBM FREE Without Root
    COC Mod Fuel: Fuel Obligation For Lovers Mod Clash of Clans

Sticker Fuel Free Android

Some time ago, JalanTikus never share how to get a free sticker Android fuel by using an application called Freedom. However, this time the application is already not be used again to get sticker-fuel fuel-free gratis.sticker-7 In order you who want to get free fuel sticker without root, JalanTikus have a new way to get free fuel sticker with easy to use BBM Mod Free Sticker.
New Ways Can Sticker Fuel Free Without Root

In this article, JalanTikus will provide the easiest way to get all the fuel sticker on android for free without root. Before using the following ways to get free fuel sticker, make sure all fuel applications installed on your Android you've uninstalled.

    Download the application of fuel Mod Free Sticker.
    Fuel Mod Free Sticker
    Fuel Mod Free Sticker 1.0
    Social & Messaging by Erwintomy
    Download by

    Once was downloaded, installed as usual on your Android.

    Do log in using your BlackBerry ID account punya.sticker-fuel-free-1

    If you are already logged in, go to the fuel Shop.sticker-fuel-free-2

    Select Sticker fuel that you want to download it for free.

    Wait a minute until the sticker and automatically open the button becomes Free.sticker-fuel-free-3

    Now you can download all the fuel sticker you like for free.
    Examples of the use of fuel Sticker Gratis.sticker-fuel-free-4


You need to know, fuel Mod Free Sticker This is the long version of the fuel, so it looks not material design as the current fuel. Now JalanTikus will provide a way to use the latest version of BBM BBM sticker free but all was not lost.

    Make sure you've installed all the fuel sticker Android you like.

    Download BBM MOD applications that have features such as BBM Backup Free Sticker Official MOD following:
    Fuel MOD Official
    Official MOD BBM
    Social & Messaging by Erwintomy
    Download by

    Once downloaded, the application of fuel override MOD Free Sticker with MOD Official BBM application that has been downloaded tadi.sticker-fuel-free-5

    If completed, automatically you can now use the latest version of BBM BBM stickers free in-fuel-free dalamnya.sticker-6

    Note: If you do not like the look MOD Official BBM, you can replace with other MOD fuel. Make sure your BBM MOD already has a backup feature so that sticker Sticker free fuel was not lost.

A few tips and tricks to get a free sticker Android fuel without root JalanTikus provide. If you are still confused, do not forget to ask in the comments field.
Cara Matikan dan Kunci Layar Otomatis Android dengan Double Tap
Deadly Android screen with just a double tap on the Home Screen (2x tap) can now be done on all HP Android using the following applications. This application will turn off the screen android and lock automatically when the screen is pressed twice Android.

Also Read:

    How to Lock Screen and Turning HP Automatic with GRAVITY SCREEN
    How to Turn Screen Android with Wobble
    How to Turn the HP Screen Android with Volume

Double Tap Screen Lock

Most people turn off the Android screen by pressing the Power button. By pressing the Power button continuously, certainly in the long run these keys will be broken.

To reduce the use of the Power key, you can use double tap on the home screen to turn off the screen Android. Not just turn off the screen of Android, this application also automatically lock your Android with just a double tap.
How to turn off screen Android by Double Tap

Here is how to turn off the screen and lock all HP Android by Double Tap:

    Download application TapTap Screen Lock and install as usual in Android.
    TapTap Screen Lock
    TapTap Screen Lock 1.3.0
    Desktop Enhancement by Dmytro Dolotov
    Download by

    Once installed, open the application and then click the button ON.double-tap-screen-lock-1

    When he appeared Admininistrator click the Device menu Activate.double-tap-screen-lock-2

    Next you will be redirected to the Apps menu with access usage. Enable Lock-nya.double TapTap application-tap-screen-lock-3

    Apps Device Administrator and current usage with your access has been enabled, you can activate the new Lock-nya.double TapTap-tap-screen-lock-4

Now you can turn off and lock the screen automatically just with a double tap on the homescreen. If you are still confused, do not forget to share in the comments.
Cara Update Driver Laptop Otomatis Menggunakan Driver Booster
Without the driver may be hardware in your PC or laptop will not work perfectly, and it plays an important role of drivers between hardware with the operating system of the computer or laptop. For PC usually you will get a CD driver of each section, but for laptops sometimes do not get the driver CD. What happens if your laptop must be reinstalled, and you do not have CD Driver? What happens is that the hardware is not going to work. Good hardware is hardware that has the latest driver or update. Here's how to automatically update the driver using Driver Booster laptop.

    The first course Download Driver Booster advance in the Road Mice, then install
    Run Driver booster, then select Scan and wait for the process for some time
    Once the scan is complete you will get a report if there are updates of your driver or do not like the look below. The first picture is the view that there is no update the latest drivers, and the second picture is the view that one of the drivers need to be updated

Easy is not it? Short, fast and no hassle at all in the search for one by one update of your driver, simply run Driver Booster then you can know what updates you need. You can download other free software in the Road Mice, good luck.

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